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The seeds of Happi Rent were sown when its two founders moved to Miami to teach in the inner city. Along with hundreds of other career changers and recent college graduates, they tried to find affordable housing in Miami without any support. They spent hours and hours researching online, waiting on hold with apartments, and while they eventually found a place they knew there had to be an easier way. Fast forward years later, those two teachers, Jasmine and Thomas decided to create that easier way. At Happi Rent, we are committed to easing your transition to Miami. Let us connect you with high-quality landlords and use our connections with apartments in Miami to get you first access to new openings. 

Whether you rent a house, an apartment, or a condo you deserve to be Happi!

Jasmine & Thomas 


Jasmine "Jay"

Co-Founder of Happi Rent



Real Estate Agent

Co-Founder of Happi Rent



Real Estate Broker

Founder Featured Properties International



Official Happi Rent Mascot

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